Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow Wiki
Prodigal Pet
Icon Character Pazuzu
Story type
Character Goal
Robot Hell On Earth
Next Goal
The Loyal Gargoyle

Prodigal Pet is the goal for Pazuzu in Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow.

Part 1


Pazuzu returns.



  • 5 Robot Soul 80 XP

Story[ | ]

The Professor Oh, Pazuzu, my faithful gargoyle, you came back to me!

Pazuzu Oui, Professor. In your hour of need, I, Pazuzu, will 'elp you battle ze Robot Devil.

The Professor But how did you know the city was under attack?

Pazuzu Ze gargoyle has ways zat are not your human ways.

The Professor Oh my, yes. Human ways suck, all right.

The Professor I'm afraid the Robot Devil can't be stopped - even by you, Pazuzu.

Pazuzu None can withstand ze soul-blasting terror of Pazuzu. Zis Robot Devil, he shall flee the city in fear.

Pazuzu I require only knowledge of his future whereabouts, and a hiding place from which I can suddenly come up on him from behind and tap his shoulder.

Pazuzu And perhaps a scary mask.

The Professor I'm not entirely sure the Robot Devil can be Abbott-and-Costello'd into running away, Pazuzu.

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