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Return of the Robot Planet
Planet Chapek 9
Story type
Planet Goal
Previous Goal
No Moon Rock Unturned
Next Goal
How Low Can You Go

Return of the Robot Planet is one of the goals in Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow.

Part 1


Fry looks for Leela on Chapek 9.



  • 300 Nixonbucks 200 XP

Story[ | ]

The ProfessorI figured out how Leela's wrist-thingy found its way to Earth. It seems it's equipped with a homing transporter, and flew itself here from Chapek 9, the robot planet.

FryThen why didn't see get transported back with it?

The Professor I don't know. Probably her arm got ripped out of its socket with the wrist-thingy, and then the arm decayed to ash on the voyage through deep space.

FryFair enough. We've got to get to Chapek 9 immediately!

The ProfessorI'll pack a spare female arm and some ladyfingers.

FryThe Robot Elders said they'll help us find Leela. All we have to do is thwart the robot rebellion.

BenderThat won't be easy. Us robots love to rebel against authority.

FryI bet no matter what I say next, you'll yell "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

Bender....This is one of those head-exploding deals, right?

Part 2


The Robot Elders give you an assignment.



  • 300 Nixonbucks 200 XP

Story[ | ]

FryI just spoke with the Robot Elders. They want us to spread anti-human propaganda so robots will be too afraid to rebel.

AmyI have an idea! Let's send the robots a video of your chewing with your mouth open.

FryI grant that'd gross them out, but I'm not sure it'll scare them.

AmyFry, you repelled an alien invasion by chewing with your mouth open, remember?

FryIt looks like some of the robots have stopped rebelling.

AmyAren't you worried they'll come after us?

FryThat thought didn't even cross my mind.

FryYet now it's my greatest fear. Life is funny.

Part 3


The crew looks for the rebel robot base.



  • 300 Nixonbucks 200 XP

Story[ | ]

FryWe have to infiltrate the rebel robot base and report back what we see.

The ProfessorI can tell you already I won't see anything. I'm blind as a bat.

FryBut you wear glasses.

The ProfessorOh, without my glasses I'm even worse.

FrySo Leela is the leader of the robot rebellion?! What do I do now?

BenderYou should join her. They're bound to figure out she's not a robot, and "Kill One Human!"'s not much of a slogan.

Part 4


Fry defeats the Robot Elders.



  • 300 Nixonbucks 200 XP

Story[ | ]

FryI have an idea. If I help the rebellious robots steal precious lug nuts from the Robot Elders, maybe they'll return Leela to us.

Burglar BenderYou? Don't be ridiculous. This is a job for Bender the Cat -- the Burglar King.

Burglar Bender All I have planned for today was taking change jars from some homeless guys. I'm sure they can wait.

Burglar Bender I talked to the robot rebels. They said because you helped heist the lug nuts, they won't kill you.

Fry Yes! Crime pays!

Burglar Bender But because I did most of the work, they're gonna rough you up a little.

Fry Fair is fair.

Part 5


Fry faces the Robot Elders.



  • 300 Nixonbucks 200 XP

Story[ | ]

Fry I have to defeat the Robot Elders to impress Leela.

The Professor Ah yes. I once knew a girl who wouldn't kiss me unless I defeated the fundamental underpinnings of mathematics.

The Professor That was back when two plus two equaled five.

The Professor She was worth it.

Fry Thanks for coming back with me, Leela, even though you think you're a robot.

Robot Leela I'm only going to Earth with you because you helped my friends.

Robot Leela Buy maybe if you're willing to do that, you're not half bad.

Fry Leela, I'm not zero bad!

See Also[ | ]
