Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow Wiki

Celebrity Couple is one of the goals in Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow.

Celebrity Couple
Goal Monique
Story type
Character Goal
All My Circuits
Previous Goal
Struggling Actress

Part 1


Monique rebuffs Boxy.


  • Have Boxy Browse for New Shell (10h 0m 0s)
  • Have Monique Ask for Something Sporty (3h 0m 0s)
  • Level up Monique to Level 4


  • 150 Nixonbucks 100 XP

Story[ | ]


Monique No, Boxy, that was a one-time thing. I've told you before, we can never be a couple.

Boxy Beep beep beep!!

Monique How dare you, you cad! I should slap your face, only it's very hard and sharp.


Monique You know, I WOULD be willing to spread a phony rumor that we're having an affair. For publicity.

Boxy Beep beep beep!!

Monique I'm not that kind of girl, Boxy! Not even in a phony rumor!

Monique Just out of curiosity, how would one go about performing that action, exactly?

Part 2


Monique malfunctions.


  • Have Monique Swap Faces (3h 0m 0s)
  • Have Bender Fall on His Back (4h 0m 0s)
  • Have Fry Buy Retro Junk (4h 0m 0s)


  • 150 Nixonbucks 100 XP

Story[ | ]

Monique I'm sorry, young man, but I don't have time to humor fans. I'm rehearsing for a big scene.

Fry Okay, okay, don't get snippy! Geez, if you wanted privacy, why didn't you just rehearse in your apartment?

Monique This IS my apartment!!

Fry Oh. Sorry. When I followed you in here, I assumed it was some kind of trendy celebrity nightspot.

Fry But now that I get a good look at your décor, I realize my mistake.

Fry Are you supposed to malfunction like that while you're performing?

Monique No! I've lost my ability to act!

Fry Well, don't worry. I'm sure you can find a job where it's okay to break down all the time.

Fry Have you considered a career in NASCAR?

Part 3


Boxy begs for Monique back.


  • Have Monique Take Some Photographs (12h 0m 0s)
  • Have Boxy Beep in the Lobby (18h 0m 0s)
  • Level up Monique to Level 7


  • 150 Nixonbucks 100 XP

Story[ | ]

Boxy Beep beep!

Monique Once and for all, Boxy, no! You and I will never, ever--

Boxy Beep beep.

Monique Oh god, kiss me, you silver-tongued devil!

Monique We've made a terrible mistake, Boxy. Perhaps it's best we don't contact each other for awhile.

Boxy Beep beep beep!!

Monique Well, it's nice that I mean more to you than life itself, but since you're a robot, life doesn't really mean that much to you.

Part 4


Calculon turns down Monique.


  • Have Monique Inquire About Costumes (6h 0m 0s)
  • Have Amy Charge Her Cellphone (1h 0m 0s)
  • Have Calculon Sell Awards For Money (4h 0m 0s)


  • 300 Nixonbucks 200 XP

Story[ | ]

Monique Oh, Calculon, darling, I've been a complete fool!

Shakespeare Calculon You sure have.

Monique Then you've learned of my brief but passionate fling with Boxy Robot?

Shakespeare Calculon What? No! I just think you're a complete fool! What's all this about a fling?

Shakespeare Calculon So you fell for Boxy's charms, eh, Monique? Well, I guess I can find it in me to grant you forgiveness.

Monique Thank you, Calculon! You're truly a big-hearted robot.

Shakespeare Calculon No, I just have a forgiveness file somewhere in me I haven't accessed in awhile.

See also[ | ]
