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Snail Fail
Goal Snail Fail
Story type
Main Goal
Island of Lost Bots
Next Goal
Come Slither

Snail Fail is one of the goals in Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow. It is the first main goal of the Island of Lost Bots event.

Part 1


Bender smuggles some snails.



  • 16 Nixonbucks 10 XP


Fry Um, Bender, I don't want to worry me, but you seem to have snails crawling all over you.

Bender Yep. I spent the weekend on a tropical island planet. Little buggers must've hitched a ride in my chest compartment, because I'm so great.

Fry Okay, but be careful. What if they escape into the wild and cause some kind of environmental catastrophe like I'm always seeing movies about?

Bender Relax. There's absolutely no chance that's gonna happen.

Bender Because it already did.

The Professor Bender, you idiot! You smuggled non-native snails across planetary lines, and now they're sliming up the entire city!

Bender Don't blame me!

The Professor But you're completely responsible! Why shouldn't I blame you?

Bender Because it's a waste of time. I've never taken responsibility for anything, and if I ever do, I promise you it's not going to involve snails.

Part 2


The Professor has an idea.



  • 32 Nixonbucks 20 XP


Fry Professor, help! I was relaxing in the park when I was attacked by a horde of those alien snails! I tried to run away, but I was asleep.

Fry When I woke up, I was covered in snail goop and my skin was dissolving! Fortunately I licked it off before it did much damage.

The Professor Just as I feared. The snails are reacting to the hostile Earth environment by turning hostile themselves!

The Professor There's too many of them to destroy. We'll have to fool them into thinking they're in their natural habitat by decorating the city with fixtures from their homeworld.

Fry That's the dumbest idea I ever heard! And that's coming from a guy who once licked corrosive snail goop off his own body!

Fry You know that planet where you spent your tropical island getaway? The Professor says we have to go there and bring back the tropical island stuff.

Bender I'm not going back there to do work stuff! It's called a tropical island getaway for a reason!

Bender The reason is, I had to get away fast before the tropical island cops caught me.

Part 3


Bender considers skipping town.



  • 48 Nixonbucks 30 XP


The Professor Bender, why aren't you helping make New New York a tropical island paradise?

Bender I don't have time. I'm taking another vacation, to a place where you and your precious technology can't strip the land of its natural beauty, because it doesn't have any.

The Professor Uh-huh. What exit?

The Professor What happened to your Jersey vacation?

Bender I decided to be selfless for once and help you fetch tropical stuff to decorate New New York.

The Professor Did you really decide to be selfless, or is it because I put a stop on your paycheck?

Bender It has nothing to do with the stupid stop on my stupid paycheck, which is stupid, by the way.

Part 4


Bender and Fry visit an island getaway.



  • 64 Nixonbucks 40 XP


Bender Hey Fry! Wanna vacation on the tropical island planet? You can load the ship with palm trees while I sip on a coconut!

Fry That doesn't sound like a vacation. It sounds like work!

Bender That's because in the 31st Century, we've redefined the word "work" to mean "sipping coconuts on the beach". And "vacation" means "doing manual labor while your robot pal cheers you on".

Fry You mean I've been on vacation ever since I came to the future?

Bender Yep. And as long as I'm your pal, you'll never work a day in your life.

Fry Wow, this tropical island planet place is beautiful! But maybe you shouldn't be throwing your beer bottles everywhere.

Bender No, see, the only way I could get permission to take their trees and stuff was by saying it's part of a cultural exchange program with New New York.

Bender So basically we have to make this place look like a dump.

Bender Which reminds me -- if you could find a mattress, urinate on it and leave it on the sidewalk, it'd be a big help.

Fry Already taken care of, my friend.

Part 5


Amy blames Bender for the snails.



  • 80 Nixonbucks 50 XP


Amy Thanks to you, I had to cancel a date with Kif to help get rid of those stupid rampaging snails!

Bender Isn't Kif some kind of snail himself?

Amy For your information, he's not a mollusc, he's more of an amphibian.

Bender Huh. Funny, I thought amphibians had skeletons.

Amy ... You're right! Snail-boy's got some explaining to do!

Amy Tell me the truth, Kif: Are you a mollusc or an amphibian?

Kif Umm... that is...

Kif I'm sorry, Amy! Yes, I'm a mollusc, but DOOP had an official no-invertebrate policy, so I had to pass as an amphibian! I've been living a lie!

Amy But your homeworld is called Amphibios 9!

Kif The lie I've been living is a really huge lie!

Part 6


Professor makes fun of Bender.



  • 96 Nixonbucks 60 XP


The Professor Everyone look at Bender, the robot who caused the New New York snail infestation! Shame, Bender, shame!

Bender Like you're one to talk. You caused the Hypnowaves!

The Professor That crisis was so 3017. Snails are the sexy new 3018 crisis!

Bender Oh, well, as long as it's sexy, I'll take full credit.

The Professor Why did you take that vacation to the tropical island planet in the first place?

Bender I deserved it! You kept assigning me delivery work and maintenance chores!

The Professor But you didn't do them!

Bender Damn right! And after the grueling effort it took to shirk my responsibilities I needed a vacation!

Part 7


The snails prevail.



  • 112 Nixonbucks 70 XP


Fry Turning New New York into a tropical paradise seems to have calmed the snails down. Now you just have to figure out how to get rid of them.

Bender And how do you suggest I do that? Wear some snail cologne and make myself irresistible to snails so all the snails crawl into my chest and I fly them back to the tropical island planet?

Fry Yeah, that might work.

Bender Great. Every time I think I'm out of the cologne-designing business, they keep PULLING ME BACK IN!

Bender Thanks to me, the snail problem has now been solved!

Scruffy Scruffy's gonna miss them little gastropods. Their corrosive goop was the only thing I ever found that could clean the rust stains out the terlet.

Bender Well, I guess we'll all miss them in our own way.

Scruffy No, you'll all be missing 'em my way a week from now when you check your terlets.

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