Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow Wiki
What's Your Malfunction
Goal Malfunctioning Eddie
Story type
Character Goal
Lrrr Strikes Back
Previous Goal
All Blown Up

Part 1


Malfunctioning Eddie has some doubts.



  • 50 Weed 75 XP

Story[ | ]

Malfunctioning Eddie Can you recommend a medical professional? I need help managing my explosions.

Amy Sorry, but my parents think doctors are a waste of money. Whenever I get sick, they just buy me a new body.

Malfunctioning Eddie As a robot, I frown on that. My creator gave me this body. I should live with it.

Malfunctioning Eddie Stupid Creator.

Amy Don't worry, Eddie. No matter how many times you explode, you'll always have people who like you and care about you.

Malfunctioning Eddie You really think so?

Amy Yes I do.

Amy Wait -- I forgot you were a professional car salesman.

Part 2


Malfunctioning Eddie turns into the cops.



  • 50 Weed 75 XP

Story[ | ]

Malfunctioning Eddie Does the NNYPD have any resources for the malfunctioning?

URL We can always throw you in jail. That's how we deal with the criminally insane.

Malfunctioning Eddie But there's nothing insane about me.

URL I think you're forgetting your low, low prices, man.

Malfunctioning Eddie [...]

URL One more explosion like that and I'll have to lock you up.

Malfunctioning Eddie Sorry, Officer. The explosions happen when I get excited.

URL You ever use tranquilizers? They made me try 'em after I went on a six-hour perp-beating spree.

URL They turned my old squeaky voice into a smooth sexy rumble that the ladies love. Aw yeah.

Part 3


Malfunctioning Eddie consults with the Professor.



  • 50 Weed 75 XP

Story[ | ]

The Professor I may be able to fix your explosion problem, Eddie. I'd like to do a cranial scan to see what's going on.

Malfunctioning Eddie But what if my head can't be fixed?

The Professor Now now, Eddie, it's entirely possible to live without a properly functioning head.

The Professor Fry's been doing it his entire life.

The Professor I've discovered your problem. It appears that the black wire inside your head is switched with the green wire!

Malfunctioning Eddie Can you fix it?

Malfunctioning Eddie Of course not, you fool! Physicists have been struggling unsuccessfully with the switched green-wire problem for two thousand years!

Part 4


Malfunctioning Eddie celebrates himself.



  • 50 Weed 75 XP

Story[ | ]

Bender I hear you're thinking of getting your explosivity fixed. Bad idea, Eddie!

Bender Have you thought about how it'll affect your ability to sell cars?

Malfunctioning Eddie Good point. People won't think they're getting a deal unless they see I'm about to lose my mind over the low, low price!

Bender Exactly! Don't fix yourself! Put the customer first!

Bender Now sell me a car for $100.

Malfunctioning Eddie I've decided not to fix my "problem".

Bender Good! We love you just the way you are!

Malfunctioning Eddie Really?

Malfunctioning Eddie [...]

Bender Not THIS way you are, the other way you are. The way with the head.

See also[ | ]
